WhatsApp Upgrade new 6 Superb Features Coming in on Whatsapp
WhatsApp Upgrade new 6 Superb Features Coming in on Whatsapp
Popular Instant Messaging App Whatsapp is constantly updating your features. Recently there was a new feature on Whatsapp, in which messages can be deleted even after sending. Now, once again Facebook's proprietary WhatsSpe brings 6 great features for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Web Platform.
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Preparation is there These features include right from the private reply to the Group from deleting the group. Currently, these features are on the beta version and they are being tested. Let's know about these features.
Private reply feature : In the Private reply feature, users will be able to reply to private message while talking in the group message. This reply will not be visible to every user and will only be visible to the user who has been reply.
Picture-In-Picture Feature : This feature of Whatsapp is designed to make multi tasking easier. This feature will show a new icon in the app during the video call. On this icon, the picture-in-picture mode will start, in which the users will be able to change the size of the video window and maximize the video accordingly.
Unblock feature : In this feature, users can unblock any contact and send messages.
New Invoit Feature : Now the new users will be included in the group through the link on Whatsapp. In this feature, the group's Admile will be able to send new users to the direct link to join the group. Please note that the link feature is already available on the iOS app and after testing it will be released soon for Android users.
Report Feature: If you encounter any problems on Whatsapp, you have to shake your phone, after which contact users will be able to file a complaint.
Admin Power Feature: In this feature, the admin gives the power to prevent any user from deleting the group. Due to this feature the group can not be deleted. Currently all these features are being tested and are currently available on the beta version. These features will be introduced to all users soon.
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