Sunday, 31 December 2017

The Money Deposited In The Bank Can Also Sink, Know This New Rule Of Banking

The Money Deposited In The Bank Can Also Sink, Know This New Rule Of Banking
Yuletiity Desk: It has happened in the future that you have a prison in banks, you do not have any control over it if you have a bank suspension, then it can use your money. Yes, some of these provisions are in the Financial Resolutions and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) Bill 2017. This deposit insurance and credit guarantee corporation (DICGC) will take the place of the Act, it has been said that it does not guarantee the return of bank depositors.
 Guarantee will also end in getting 1 lakh

After the introduction of the new rules, the guarantee for a refund of Rs. 1 lakh will also be exhausted. At present, there is a rule that how much money is available to you in banks, you will get Rs 1 lakh from the bank's Nawardas. F.R.D.I. There is no mention of how much the bill is guaranteed.
 What is the FRDI bill?

The purpose of the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) Bill is to establish a resolution corporation that monitors the financial organization. Do the categories on the Organization Risk Profiles basis and save it from a negative way. It monitors the risks of financial companies like the bank and the Bima, when it comes to closure of the bank, its resolution plan.
 Fear the fear of drowning

According to the chairman of the All India Bank Officers' Association, SS Sisodia, the fear of submitting deposits to the new bill has left the bank afraid of submitting deposits. Many banks said on the condition of not printing the names of the men, every day dozens of people borrowed these scary money
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