Wednesday, 29 November 2017

These tips and tricks to protect the smartphone from overheatingPrevent phone from overheating in this way:

First remove the phone cover. The cover does not allow the heat coming out of the phone, so removing the cover can get some relief.

Do not put the phone in the charge overnight:

Usually people put their phones in charging at the time of sleeping. Doing this will only cause your phone to hit and the battery storage will also get weak. This increases the risk of battery eruption.

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Put the smartphone in place of charging:

At the time of charging, place your phone in bed or on a sofa, but not on a wooden item. If you do not do this, the heat remains at the time of charging and the phone is more hot.

Do not use another battery Usage:

Third party chargers and batteries also cause the heat of the phone to rise. Use the phone’s original charger and battery as long as possible.

Do not keep the phone in the sun:

Prevent your phone from getting exposed to direct sun exposure. The heat of the sun and the background of the phone’s background heat upset the phone.

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