Saturday, 28 April 2018

Reduce The Heat From The TIPS Electricity Bill

Reduce the heat from the TIPS Electricity bill
When the cooler and the AC start running in the heat, the electricity bill appears to be very high. If you do follow these small TIPS, you can reduce it in such a way. Today we have some tips for you ...
If no cord is being used such as a TV, phone charger, toaster, then put it off the plug ...
Some empires also use energy even when the plug is locked, even when it is off.
If you have an AC, keep a laptop or a TV.
Run AC on a temperature, do not freeze over.
Concentrate trees in West and South Directions
Drop the scenes, blinds and shades. Choose to stay out of time.
Run the box fan on the window.
Use CFL and LEDs Light Blind
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