Wednesday 13 December 2017

Earn Money From Amzon And Flipkart

 Today, I came across this site called on google. It is actually the first site listed on google (India) search results when searching for ‘make money online’. The site claims to be India’s no.1 online money making program and promises that you can earn Rs.30,000 per month by working for 1-2 hours a day. The work involves posting ads on classifieds, blogs, forums, etc.

But still, I was determined to find out if this program really pays, so I went ahead and completed their registration form after which they asked me to download a PDF file that had the registration details. I download & opened the file and there it was! The age-old technique used by every data entry scammer in India. I’ve attached a screenshot of the PDF below:

They asked me to pay Rs.250 as registration fee to become a member on their site. My doubt on whether the site was a scam was almost confirmed at this point. But just to be sure, I did a google search to try and find reviews from people who paid the 250 rupees, in order to see if they earned anything. And sure enough, I couldn’t find a single person who got paid by this company. The only reviews I could find were these:

After a bit of research, I came to know that the ads which they ask you to post are actually ads of the site itself. According to their TOS, they pay only you when someone joins their site by paying the registration fee through the ad you posted. What this means is, they take your money, make you promote their scam to help them steal more people’s money. And when you ask to get paid for the work, they stop responding and ignore you.

Another disturbing thing I noticed was that, they had mentioned a 100% cashback on the PDF file, but the TOS on their website states the exact opposite:

Mass Online Solutions is yet another data entry scam which steals money from innocent people who are looking to earn money online. What worries me is that the site is currently listed at the top of google search results. Please avoid it at all costs!

Also take a look at our 5 ways to identify scams online for tips to stay clear from scams like these in future.
Earn money from amzon and flipkart

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