Monday 20 November 2017


To add some more flexibility to the way pay entities are structured, you can define the employer data either at the pay group level, or at a higher level. We also allow for the situation where a single CPF employer is implemented in Global Payroll as a number of pay entities.
The employers sector is also recorded using a Global Payroll variable. The variable CPF VR SECTOR stores the sector which is used to determine the set of CPF rates applicable for an employee. You can override the sector variable at pay entity, pay group or payee level.
You can enter the following values:
  • 1 — Civil Service – Pensionable.
  • 2 — Civil Service – Other.
  • 3 — Private Sector – (the default value).
The variable CPF VR UNIT NUM stores the 3-digit unit number used in reporting to the CPF Board by the MOF/MID. It is not used by other customers. You can override it at pay entity, pay group or payee level.

Two views and arrays are delivered to bring all of the CPF information required for processing—including the citizenship status, worker type, permanent residence date, age, ethnic group and religion—using the arrays to make it available to the Global Payroll CPF rules.

The GPSG_CPF_PERS_VW view enables the employee (personal) data to be extracted from several different tables using a single array — CPF AR PERS DATA. The array is included at the beginning of the DEDUCTIONS – CPF (CPF section) so that the values retrieved are available to all the deductions and related supporting elements. The array is keyed by employee. Only one row is ever retrieved, and an error formula is included to provide a message if no record is found.
A national ID type is delivered to hold the employee's CPF account number (in addition to the national ID types of NRIC and permanent residency (PR) number. When reporting employees CPF accounts, the CPF account number national ID is used, if it exists. If not, it uses the NRIC and if that doesn't exist either, the permanent residency number.
The GPSG_CPF_ETH_VW view enables the employee's ethnic group and religion data to be extracted from several different tables using a single array—CPF AR ETHN/RELIG. The array retrieves the payee's ethnic group and religion to determine if they must contribute to CDAC, MBMF, ECF and SINDA and is included at the beginning of the DEDUCTIONS – CPF (CPF section) so that the values retrieved are available to all the deductions and related supporting elements. The array is keyed by employee
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